User Profile
The Profile contains all personal information for a worker, and any information that they might need to manage. Contained in this section are the worker's legal names, the worker's system information (log in credentials, and so on), and the worker's diversity questionnaire information.
All worker's can view this information, however, only payroll workers can edit their information. Staffing workers are managed by a supplier/vendor, or outside agency. If a staffing worker requires modifications to their personal information, their should contact their Program Representative.
Payroll workers can access their personal information and modify any information that they have access to. Not all areas of personal information are editable, and might require an administrator.
All users can managed their diversity questionnaire information in their
user profiles. The Diversity Information section appears only if a client organization
has enabled the feature. For more information about the Diversity Questionnaire, see
Diversity Tracking for Workers. Workers can modify their answers at any
time. To modify any answers, click , and modify answer using the radio buttons or
toggle switch if 'Prefer not to say' was previously selected. No answers display in edit
mode until this option is toggled off.
Worker's can also update their password recovery options from their user profile. See Update Password.